
Ukraine, the eighth largest European country by population, was often overlooked as a clinical trial site. The country has a large population of modern treatment-naive patients and is far from saturated with clinical trials. The Clinical Trials legislation harmonized with respective EU Directives and Guidelines, educated, qualified and motivated investigators, infrastructure, systems, and capabilities to produce high-quality study results.

Among Ukraine’s Advantages for Clinical Studies are:

  • Recruitment rates that are higher than those of the U.S. or EU countries
  • Over two decades of experience in overseeing and running international clinical trials, with the number of trials steadily rising
  • An experienced, clinical community trained in Good Clinical Practices (GCP) that produces high-quality data
  • A centralized system of healthcare that aids recruitment
  • A relatively efficient approval process that compares favourably to other countries in turnaround time
  • High quality of data confirmed by numerous FDA/EMA audits
  • International standards for medical care

CRU-GLOBAL local affiliate is: CRU Ukraine Ltd. in Khust city, established in 2017. 


CRU Ukraine is licensed for 26 specialties and conducts Phase I-IV, inpatient and outpatient studies in the following indications: cardiology, diabetology, pulmonology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, gynecology, pediatrics, and oncology.

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